Thursday 27 September 2012

Samadhi  Vs  Dis-ease

Diabetes and Samadhi Prof  Dr. S.J.Nagalotimath,  Dean of the College of Pathologists of India, told me that he was very surprised to see patients with long term Diabetes, reporting cured after 20 days of Siddha  Samadhi  Yoga  practice. He proposed a new theory for Diabetes, which I will present to you: He proposed that High blood sugar is an indication of higher metabolism adjusted by the body. What Diabetics need is lots of sugar. If you inject Insulin, it stops the required amount of sugar and leads to many complications. Why, this high Metabolism? He says, it is because of over thinking. How to stop this mental stress ? Only by meditation of Samadhi. Once the mind becomes calm, stress reduces and metabolism reduces and so the blood sugar also reduces. Diabetics should take whatever sugar they need without worrying. To stop their tension, they should learn Samadhi Meditation  - Permanently they will overcome the sugar problem.

Dr Nagalotimath says, medical treatment today of insulin and eating less sugar is contrary to what should be practiced. Dr Nagalotimath told me that he has done hundreds of autopsies and in not even one did he find a Pancreas that is prematurely dead. Asthma and Samadhi Asthma is a psychosomatic disease. It is caused mainly by mental tension. When you are very tense, you tend to run away. When you cannot run away, you are still gasping for a lot of breath and you have an attack. Best way to stop the attack is to consciously become aware that nothing is wrong and that  the body is reacting on its own. Most people start reacting to the attack and add more panic  and  deepen  the  attack. The attack usually happens as the person goes to sleep. When you are awake, you know that things are OK. When you let go of conscious attention, the tension inside takes over and “the run and save your life mechanism” becomes dominant and starts the attack. As you become aware of the attack, you can get up and tell yourself that everything is OK or you can panic and let the attack become  intense. Samadhi is a state of intense awareness with absolute rest for the body. This awareness combined with rest heals the person very rapidly. The person begins to feel fine in life and there is no more Asthma Attack. The cure lies in feeling fine in life. Samadhi  meditation  is  the  answer.

Blood Pressure and Samadhi, Most people with high B.P. find that their B.P. settles down by about one point in a day after they start practicing  Siddha  Samadhi  Yoga. High Blood Pressure is caused by the strain to accomplish something urgently. Blood is rushing to supply extra energy. When you start slowing down and be happy with whatever is going on, then blood pressure starts settling down too. Blood vessels also become elastic. You can imagine what the body had to do to cope with, by your great rushes for accomplishment, or expression of hatred, or jealousy, or trying to show off as being smart, or equal. To overcome these six detriments of Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Mada and Matsarya, the simple process is to be peaceful within oneself, instead of comparing with people, or things outside. This process is called Sadhana.

Sadhana is  the opposite of Karma (or accent on activity). Sadhana is Akarma, based on inner silence. Samadhi practice is the key to enter into Akarma  of  silence. Arthritis and Samadhi My friend's parents had developed Arthritis. I noticed that my friend had a very unpredictable behaviour. They felt like passengers in a car driven by  a speedy reckless driver. Have you noticed what happens to your legs and arms, when the driver is constantly applying sudden brakes? They become tense and stiff to hold on to what ever  is  available. When life is such a ride of hiccups,   no  doubt  you  will  have  Arthritis. You need to have some steady base   in life. That unmoving base is God, Brahman or Allah. Sadhana is to experience this base and establish life on this foundation of eternal freedom. People experience life as a rocking boat. They see the wave, but not the ocean. They do not realize that life is where you are. They feel that life is not complete, until they go to the other coast. 

Realizing that wherever one is, it is total and complete makes our existence a play and a joy. Sadhana is to experience that - ‘Still Ocean within oneself.’ Samadhi is this state of stillness which will relieve you of anxieties and  specifically  Arthritis.~
-In his own words
~ Guruji Rishi Prabhakar

Monday 20 August 2012

Wu Wei: the Action of Non-Action

What Is Wu Wei?

One of Taoism’s most important concepts is wu wei, which is sometimes translated as “non-doing” or “non-action.” A better way to think of it, however, is as a paradoxical “Action of non-action.” Wu wei refers to the cultivation of a state of being in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment with the ebb and flow of the elemental cycles of the natural world. It is a kind of “going with the flow” that is characterized by great ease and awake-ness, in which - without even trying - we’re able to respond perfectly to whatever situations arise.

The Choice to Relate To or Withdraw from Society

Historically, wu wei has been practiced both within and outside of existing social and political structures. In the Daode Jing, Laozi introduces us to his ideal of the “enlightened leader” who, by embodying the principles of wu wei, is able to rule in a way that creates happiness and prosperity for all of a country’s inhabitants. Wu wei has also found expression in the choice made by some Taoist adepts to withdraw from society in order to live the life of a hermit, wandering freely through mountain meadows, meditating for long stretches in caves, and so being nourished in a very direct way by the energy of the natural world.

The Highest Form of Virtue

The practice of wu wei is the expression of what in Taoism is considered to be the highest form of virtue – one that is in no way premeditated, but rather arises spontaneously. In verse 38 of the Daode Jing (translated here by Jonathan Star), Laozi tells us:

The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self
The highest kindness is to give without a condition
The highest justice is to see without a preference

When Tao is lost one must learn the rules of virtue
When virtue is lost, the rules of kindness
When kindness is lost, the rules of justice
When justice is lost, the rules of conduct

As we find our alignment with the Tao – with the rhythms of the elements within and outside of our bodies – our actions are quite naturally of the highest benefit to all who we contact. At this point we have gone beyond the need for formal religious or secular moral precepts of any sort. We have become the embodiment of wu wei, the Action of non-action; as well as of wu nien, the Thought of non-thought, and wu hsin, the Mind of non-mind. We have realized our place within the web of inter-being, within the cosmos, and – knowing our connection to all-that-is – can offer only thoughts, words and actions that do no harm, that are spontaneously virtuous.

                                                            -By Elizabeth Reninger, Guide

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Everybody is enjoying whatever they want, thinking that the world is going to give them enjoyment. And every time a person goes after the world for enjoyment, he gets into more problems. Because by doing something, you are never going to be happy. Enjoyment, whatever that comes out of this kind of phenomenon, anything that you think; all pleasures that come from outside will have an equal pain to be paid back for later.
“An action and reaction are equal and opposite.
On this basis, pleasure and pain comes in equal dosage.Anything that you go after pleasure, you have to pay in pain. There is no matter what you do, this is the law. So you went after pleasure, you lost money. No doubt you had enjoyment during that time when you were gambling. But if you think that gambling is going to give you enjoyment and you gambled, then that is a trap.

So anybody who is trying to do anything to be okay in this world will never be happy at all. Because all of them are focused on doing something (Karma state) they are stuck in the bondage of dualities (karma bandhna).

Only a person who is totally fulfilled within himself; now if he does something without expecting then it is flowing out of him. Happiness is flowing out of him into the world. That is an altogether different phenomenon. “It doesn’t bother me” means my happiness doesn’t depend upon the result of this action, I am not dependent upon it. It means whatever is the result of the action of this, is not going to affect my life. 

“My happiness is fully stationed within myself and whatever action I am doing

As long as you are going after something for enjoyment and you say - I am doing this because it gives me enjoyment, the same damn thing is just going to give you lots of pain. It is just waiting in the corner. You will get a lot of cancer or lot of blood pressure, all these problems. It is just waiting and you will get it. And whether you will like it or not, it will come to you.

-by Guruji Rishi Prabhakar
(extracted from Guruji’s talk- “Going Beyond”)

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Meditator (to Guruji): This is my third Advance Meditation Course. One and half year back I had come. First time when I came here, I got a one sentence like a magic sentence – everything is okay. And I took it – everything is okay. I went buzzer on it. Everything is okay. I started like all negative things. I started gambling. I started boozing. I started all the wrong things. I started avoiding my home life, my parents, and my personal friends. One thing – just go anywhere, go buzzer, everything is okay. Within one year I think I lost my whole 12 years work; working, savings, all in one year. i.e. about more than Rs. 5-6 lakhs, just gambling. Last month I was here and till today I have saved Rs.40, 000/- by not playing gambling. One and a half, last 5th of the last month I was here, today is 10th. So one month five days. I think I saved at least Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000/- According to me everyday what I used to loose and everyday what I earn from my work life and plus my personal saving also. I could not work. Till 2-o-clock I used to go to my factory in afternoon and used to go out by 6.00 p.m. Let us go to gymkhana, let us go to race course, and let’s go to anywhere. Now this magic sentence, I am taking it you know, other way again positive way. So even like I don’t have a real meaning of it, ‘everything is okay’ means you should realize what you are doing. Then you can do anything. Not that whatever you are doing is okay, but you are simply aware of it and doing everything. Whatever you are doing, for eg. I started practicing this like I should be aware if I am going to gamble. If I am aware, I won’t go. ‘I won’t go’ -that I realized in this last, I think, 20-25 days and let’s see how long I will continue. Booze was at least, I don’t booze much now. I cut down my boozing, cut down my cigarettes, but gambling totally stopped and on the other side, going on the right track, aware of it now. Whatever I am doing is – I am still smoking, but I am aware. Like it’s not that because people say it is harmful for any human being but I can take it, so I am taking it. I know. I am aware of it. Even boozing I can take it. I am aware of it. The day I can’t take it, I will stop. Why should I stop now? That is my logic. I can afford to take at least those things I can afford to have. I enjoy it, I take it. And I am aware of it also.
Guruji: You see, it is an interesting turn that is taking place. Now he has understood not only ‘everything is okay’ for what has happened in the past but ‘everything is okay’ being applicable right now. And being aware of it, it really brings better transformation. Being aware of exactly how we are, what we are doing and being with it fully, automatically changes the things. Now e.g. he said- I still know this is not good for health and still I am doing it. I am able to take it, I am taking it. See when the real understanding dawns, it is called viveka. See there are people who can take anything and nothing affects them. Then it is perfectly alright for them, you understand? For Shankara, he was going on the road and then he took some intoxicant or some kind. Then all his shishyas said ahah, look at our guru, he is taking all these intoxicants. Then there was somebody little bit ahead. Somebody was pouring iron, you know, hot iron into the cast. He also asked him to give him some, because he could drink it. He was able to drink that also. See this viveka; if you do some unnecessary scruples about it, then you will get into problems. See knowing where your body is, knowing where you are, if you take, it will affect you. You may reach a stage where nothing affects you but until we get that point-
"Being aware of exactly how we are, what we are doing and being with it fully is the state of Viveka."
Jai gurudev.

-by Guruji Rishi Prabhakar
(extracted from Guruji’s talk- “Going Beyond”)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Tips for Better Meditation

1. Prepare Your Body for Meditation
Your physical condition has a tremendous influence on your mind. This is true for your day to day activity, but even more so when it comes to meditation. You can prepare your body for meditation by eating the right food, and by coming to meditation with an empty stomach. And whatever your diet is, when you sit down to meditate, it should be on an empty stomach. That is why one of the best times to meditate is in the morning, before you have had your breakfast. Another good time is in the evening, before the evening meal.

2. Prepare Your Mind for Meditation
Just as your body must be prepared, so must your mind. Before you start meditation you must convince yourself, that this period of meditation is your time for personal growth, and that it is important, as important as anything else in your life. When you close your eyes to meditate, you should not jump up to answer the phone, or get ready to leave your meditation due to some slight disturbance. So, remember your periods of meditation are one of the most important parts of your daily routine, and treat them as such.

3. Sit in a Proper Position
Remember when you were in school and the teacher looked around and saw someone slumping in his or her seat, and she said "sit up straight!" She had a good point; when the back is straight the mind is alert. Sit in a position that will keep the back straight. Sit with cross legs in a simple position, or a half-lotus or a full lotus. In addition to making the mind more alert, these positions help you to rest the various motor organs, and provide a peaceful physical base for your meditation.

4. Follow the Meditation Instructions Exactly
Remember carefully what your meditation instructor taught you and do your best to carry it out, exactly according to the instructions. Don't experiment and make up your own method. Take advantage of the age-old knowledge of the past, and you will make rapid strides towards a bright future. If you have forgotten any part of your meditation method, go and see your instructor and get a review of your lesson.

5. Be Regular in Your Meditation Practice
This is one of the key factors to success. Meditation works, if you work. If you only do meditation once a month or on whim, when you feel like it, then it will be impossible to be successful and realize the benefits of meditation: mental clarity, inner peace, love for others and spiritual awareness. Make meditation a part of your daily routine. Just as surely as the sun comes up each day, do your meditation without fail. If you get into the habit of doing your practice regularly, then you have taken one of the single most important steps towards success in meditation, and indeed, in your life. 

Monday 30 April 2012

Samadhi Dhyana & Panch Kosha Shuddhi

There are different ways of receiving Prana (Energy) in the world. The highest Prana comes from Akasha - emptiness. What happens when you meditate? You become the Akasha Tatva. When the Akasha Tatva i.e. emptiness enters you then the whole  system  is  rejuvenated. Samadhi Meditation is a direct access to Akasha. That's the highest and purest powered Prana. No amount of Yogasanas, can come close to half a minute of that Akasha tatva. That is why Samadhi is so much more  powerful than other methods of receiving Prana. 

If you go by the Pancha - Koshas, Anandmaya Kosha (feeling body) the Kosha of the Ego is the subtlest Kosha and Samadhi meditation keeps this Anandmaya Kosha clean  and  open. Prana can also enter through Vignyanmaya Kosha - Intellect body. When you realize that you cannot have an answer, as soon as you realize that you don't know and you admit that you don't know; when you reach a point where you cannot know, the Vignyanmaya Kosha opens and Prana enters to rejuvenate the system. This is Gynana Yoga. And then suddenly there is enlightenment, there is an opening which leaves you feeling very exhilarated. This, is called Vignyanmaya Kosha Bheda - opening. 

In the SSY class we do very well, we take you to a point where you realize  that  you  don't  know. In that state you are very happy, where you realize that there is no answer and that it is perfectly all right to be in that state of no  answer. But not too many people can remain in that state of instability, of  'not  knowingness'. Everybody tends to know, and as soon as they think they know, the Vignyanmaya Kosha closes and the Prana stops entering. The problem is, that the man becomes very firm that he knows that he cannot know, and this understanding becomes a state of knowing. These Gyana Yoga training's are very tricky, and they work as long as you are with a teacher, who goes on abandoning and dissecting your intellect. Left to yourself, you will close it very easily. This opening is certainly very beautiful. It dissolves all previous understanding and thus purifies the Vignyanmaya Kosha. It is a logical argument leading to nowhere. But higher than this is a direct access to the Anandmaya Kosha. 

The next Kosha is the Manomaya Kosha - mind body. Manas - mind is simply taking in things from the senses and from memory and displaying those images on the screen of the mind. In our normal state we attach ourselves by holding on to these thoughts - we give  it  a  state  of  reality. When we start noticing that everything is happening by itself and not because of out doing - this Sakshi Bhava - witness consciousness, becomes the Manomaya  Kosha Shuddhi. You witness the Manomaya Kosha instead of attaching yourself  to it. With Samadhi Meditation you understand this - point very easily. With this, the mind becomes clean and settled. It is not by focusing   on the mind or the content of the mind that you will get anywhere. Its by simply detaching yourself from the mind that you will get somewhere. Most of the Yoga training, of today has been turned upside down. Instead of letting go of the mind they hold on to the mind. Instead  of coming to a state where they don't understand they want to understand and they call it - Gynana Yoga. They teach the opposite of what it is and that is why  it  does  not  work  anymore. 

The Pranamaya Kosha - energy body is the next Kosha. Pranayama enhances the Pranamaya Kosha. Pranayama means prana-yama, which means to  expand  the  Prana. It is also misinterpreted as prana-yama i.e, to control breath. It is not by controlling breath, but by expanding the breath you become aware of how the Prana is working in you. As you remain with the Prana in different parts of the body, everything gets activated. Even with the smallest of attention, the Prana gets activated. Pranayama methods are evolved to be with the Prana, which becomes longer and more purified. 

Annamaya Kosha (Physical body) is the last Kosha. How does one purify the  Annamaya Kosha? There are many means. One is through food. If you put bad food into  body, the Annamaya Kosha will become very bad. If you put proper food, it becomes healthy. Doing asanas also help to keep  the Annamaya Kosha keep fit and light. Eating raw foods in plenty will make the immune system strong,  and  digestion  easy. With all the above processes the Pancha Koshas are purified. Prana enters the body at different levels. With Pancha Kosha Shuddhi all that was holding back in the system starts vanishing, enormous power begins to flow through  the  body.

                                                                          - By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Guided Meditation

One way of guided meditation is practised by listening to a recording of someone talking you through some simple techniques to help you relax.

Then they take you on a journey to a place of healing and relaxation such as a forest, the ocean or anywhere you can think of. Some people find it helps them to relax easier, others find it a very easy way to learn to meditate.

There are many recordings of these, done by different people, it's just a matter of finding the voice or voices you like and try them out.It is very beneficial for your mind, body and soul if you can find someone's voice that you resonate with.

Another way to practice is to record your own meditation if you are able to listen to your own voice. You could also join a group where they have someone talking you through the meditation.

No matter how you practise it, this type of meditation has the same benefits for you and your life. You can still set and achieve goals, heal any situation in your life or improve your health.

If you are interested in trying it, simply go to a new age store to find a CD that suits you, ask to listen to some of the ones they have in stock, it's the best way to find the one for you.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

 Different Types of Meditation Techniques

There are many, many different ways to meditate. Here are some basic categories of meditation techniques so you can understand some of the main options and how they differ from one another.

1. Basic Meditation Technique
This involves sitting in a comfortable position and just trying to quiet your mind by thinking of nothing. It's not always easy to do this if you don't have practice with it. But a good way to begin is to think of yourself as an 'observer of your thoughts', just noticing what the narrative voice in your head says, but not engaging it. As thoughts materialize in your mind, just let them go. That's the basic idea.

2. Visualization Meditation Technique
Visualization, or guided imagery, is a variation on traditional meditation that requires you to employ not only your visual sense, but also your sense of taste, touch, smell, and sound. When used as a relaxation technique, visualization involves imagining a scene in which you feel at peace, free to let go of all tension and anxiety. Choose whatever setting is most calming to you, whether it's a tropical beach, a favorite childhood spot, or a quiet wooded glen. You can do this visualization exercise on your own in silence, while listening to soothing music.

3. Spiritual Meditation Technique
Meditation can also be a spiritual practice (It does not have to be, and certainly isn't specific to any one religion, but can be used as a spiritual experience). Many people experience meditation as a form of prayer, the form where God 'speaks', rather than just listening. That's right, many people experience 'guidance' or inner wisdom once the mind is quiet, and meditate for this purpose. You can meditate on a singular question until an answer comes, or meditate to clear their mind and accept whatever comes that day.

4. Activity-Oriented Meditation Technique
With this type of meditation, you engage in a repetitive activity, or one where you can get 'in the zone' and experience 'flow'. Again, this quiets the mind, and allows your brain to shift. Activities like gardening, creating artwork, or practicing yoga can all be effective forms of meditation.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Samadhi - The End or The Beginning?

In Siddha Samadhi Yoga, our main focus is on teaching Samadhi. Everybody feels, that Samadhi is the last step in Astang Yoga, ‘How are you teaching it as the first step?’ There are eight limbs of Yoga and each limb refers to different aspects of our being. They are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. The first limb, Yama is related to how you operate in the world? How you operate with others? Vyavahara i.e. behavior with reference to others is Yama e.g. being truthful, not to accumulate goods etc. are Yamas. Niyamas are your own personal habits like cleanliness, self-analysis etc. These are more to do with yourself rather than your interaction with others. 

It is basically, how am I to be with myself. Asanas is for the body. What is a Perfect Asana? Perfect Asana is not doing all kinds of acrobatics. Asana means - a steady and comfortable posture. To attain a steady and comfortable posture is the process of Asana. Pranayama is subtler than Asana. It is about your life energy or your prana shakti. Your body is vital, only as long as it has Prana. The body may have everything, but, if it doesn’t have Prana it is useless. Pranayama means to expand or extend the Prana. Pratyahara is for the senses. Pratya means different and ahara means food. Normally, objects are the food for eyes. Sound is the food for ears. Touch is the food for skin. Smell is the food for nose. Taste is the food for tongue. In this way, our five senses have got different aharas. When the senses instead of going outwards, go inwards they begin to have a different ahara. They begin to feed on something that is different from the external flow. All sensory organs are attuned to outer food or inputs. When in meditation the mind is turned inwards. The senses start getting different food i.e. Parabramha Stithi. 

So taking the sensory organs inwards is called Pratyahara. Dharana relates to the mind (Manas) i.e. what you hold in your mind. If you hold crazy things in your mind, then the body will be disturbed by that. If you hold a nice, wonderful picture in your mind, then the whole body will relax. The mind is like a TV screen, you can project anything on your mind. The projection on the mind comes from two places - either the external senses, which give you the stimulus or your past memory will give you the stimulus. In computer language you can draw the input from your memory or it is coming from the periphery. Whatever the mind holds that begins to happen to the body. Dharana has to do with what you hold in your mind. If you hold negative things, then negative things will begin to happen to your body. If you hold positive things, then positive things will happen in your body. What you hold in your mind shifts very rapidly with knowledge for e.g. if you hear the sound of a door opening in the dark, one person may say a ghost is making the sound and starts shivering. A person, who knows that there is wind, and because of that the door is  moving, will not get scared. 

So what you experience depends upon the knowledge you have. So knowledge - right discrimination is very important. Dhyana is concerned with the intellect (Buddhi) i.e. with what you understand. Dharana is concerned with the mind, Dhyana is concerned with the intellect. Now Samadhi is concerned with the Being i.e. the ego-state (Ahamkara). Ahamkara means the sense of identification - What you consider yourself to be. Your discrimination depends upon what you consider yourself to be.  The reason you hold certain things as right or wrong, good or bad, all depends on the sense of identity. The function of the intellect is to simply protect your identity (somebodiness), which you are bound to. 

So, Samadhi is to puncture that state of somebodiness and become a nobody. So, as you go on meditating, you start feeling more and more free. The more you let go, the more freedom  you  experience. So what is it that we must teach people? If we tell them you must be truthful, you must be straight to others, you must do good things. After you have attained these Yamas then we will go to Niyamas - your personal habits and refine them. After you have become perfectly pure and clean then we will think about sitting in a particular Asana, that is comfortable. First get yourself perfectly okay then decide to sit comfortably. Is this the way Yoga goes? It is the most foolish way to go about it. Do you think that from Yama, Niyama it is possible to go to Samadhi? So is it going to happen? It is impossible! That is why all of the Yoga is dead, because they have gone in  the  reverse  direction.  When a person begins to let go, by going inwards, he gains strength, gains inner happiness, he will automatically do things better than before. Then the Yamas and Niyamas happen naturally to him.  He will naturally live in freedom, strength and the beauty of life  will  naturally  open  up.

                                                                       - By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Meditation to Relieve Stress

For many, many years, Easterners have used meditation as a tool for their spiritual practices, but also as a tool for relaxation. The truth is that meditation itself is not affiliated with any religious practice and therefore, anyone, anywhere can use and benefit from the incredibly calming and relaxing benefits received by practicing meditation.

1. Breathing Meditation
This is probably the easiest type of meditation but yet still very effective. Breathing meditation will relax your mind and body and slow down your heart rate to a more healthy level. You will be able to think more clearly and be more in balance.

2. Mindful Meditation
Mindfulness is also a great way to get your body relaxed. You will be working on feeling your body and becoming aware. Paying attention to the different sensations in your entire body starting from your feet and moving up through your body and ending with your head.

3. Imagery Meditation
This type of meditation is great for clearing your mind and retreating from a stressful day. It will get you in a total relaxed state and then let you go to a place that you find calming and peaceful. There will be no one else than you and your chosen scenery. And when you return to your day, it will be much more relaxed and with a much clearer mind that will help to make discussions and take action without feeling overwhelmed.

4. Deep Breathing Meditation
In this all you have to do to get deeply relaxed and forget the body is lie down comfortably on your back, listen to beautiful, flowing music, just let go, and let God. By concentrating on our breathing, deep breathing allows the rest of our body to relax itself. Deep breathing is a great way to relax the body and get everything into synchrony. 

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Samadhi the base for all Discoveries

Classical physics falls in the paradigm of cause and effect where everything is predictable. According to the ancient Rishis this predictable zone is called the zone  of  Karma (cause and effect). Modern physics no longer talks  in terms of certainty. It has changed its language from certainty to probability. It has recognized the law of uncertainty which simply states ‘Nothing is certain.’ It no longer emphatically concludes   that ‘this is how this  or  that  will  be.’ Rather it says, ‘It is more probable this way than that.’ It has unknowingly stepped from the predictable zone to the unpredict-able zone, which according to the ancient Rishi's is the zone of Akarma  (Samadhi).  

Samadhi is a conscious shift from the classical mode to the quantum mechanical mode of operation, from the analog mode to the digital mode of operation, from the predictable zone to the unpredict-able zone of operation, from the fragmented zone to the unified  zone  of  operation. Scientists today are working to formulate a unified field theory which is based on the fundamental level of human consciousness, that of Turiya Avastha, the thoughtless   state  of  awareness. This is a great adventure and  this   is the right direction to proceed with. All great discoveries have happened in that very state of meditative awareness. Archimedes discovered the laws of specific gravity sitting in a bathtub, Newton realised the laws of motion staring at a blank white wall, Gandhiji realized his plans of action in the quietness of the prison. Vivekananda received   inspiration in solitude of the rock and  sea  at  Kanya Kumari. Every great scientist has intuited solutions to various puzzles in life.   All great discoveries are made when you are in thoughtless abandonment and  not by brooding over it again and again. 

You are simply retired from the world of activity. You are  in your ‘think tank room’ with all facilities for survival without any need to communicate with anybody. Only such an inwardly directed person  can  be  a  great  discoverer. I think that scientists need to meditate deeply enough and grasp this foundation of inner silence, which is the basis of the creative process itself. Only by going deep into oneself will one be able to discover  the  ‘Unified  Field Theory.’ All ancient Rishis were great scientists and have made phenomenal discoveries. According to Darwin the first evolutionary process of  life started with  the  fish, then other life forms  followed. This has been stated long ago in the Puranas, that the first avatar (incarnation) is  Matsya  Avatar.  Our Rishis spoke a symbolic language. But up to now our scriptures have not been properly explained. The reason is that the Puranas instead of being in the hands of scientists have fallen in to the hands of ignorant and illiterate  people. Also we have lost the key to decipher the code of our scriptures. 

Science says that man cannot exist on this planet for more than 5000 years. The sun will cool down, its rays will diminish and it will become cold. This too was stated  in  the  Puranas  a  long time ago. So what science is discovering now has already been discovered by the ancient Rishis. The basis for their discovery was the  inner silence of Samadhi. All the Vedas, the science of creation and mechanics of the universe have already been discovered by the great Rishis while  in  Samadhi. Even now all discoveries are happening by accidentally getting into the state of Samadhi. So all scientists need to know how to consciously get into this state.   They also need to refer to the works of our ancient scientists which will aid their investigations. Samadhi is the basis for all discoveries and understandings to dawn effortlessly. It is the Science  of  all Sciences. 

                                                                       - By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar