Samadhi the base for all Discoveries
Classical physics falls in the paradigm of cause and effect where everything is predictable. According to the ancient Rishis this predictable zone is called the zone of Karma (cause and effect). Modern physics no longer talks in terms of certainty. It has changed its language from certainty to probability. It has recognized the law of uncertainty which simply states ‘Nothing is certain.’ It no longer emphatically concludes that ‘this is how this or that will be.’ Rather it says, ‘It is more probable this way than that.’ It has unknowingly stepped from the predictable zone to the unpredict-able zone, which according to the ancient Rishi's is the zone of Akarma (Samadhi).
Samadhi is a conscious shift from the classical mode to the quantum mechanical mode of operation, from the analog mode to the digital mode of operation, from the predictable zone to the unpredict-able zone of operation, from the fragmented zone to the unified zone of operation. Scientists today are working to formulate a unified field theory which is based on the fundamental level of human consciousness, that of Turiya Avastha, the thoughtless state of awareness. This is a great adventure and this is the right direction to proceed with. All great discoveries have happened in that very state of meditative awareness. Archimedes discovered the laws of specific gravity sitting in a bathtub, Newton realised the laws of motion staring at a blank white wall, Gandhiji realized his plans of action in the quietness of the prison. Vivekananda received inspiration in solitude of the rock and sea at Kanya Kumari. Every great scientist has intuited solutions to various puzzles in life. All great discoveries are made when you are in thoughtless abandonment and not by brooding over it again and again.
You are simply retired from the world of activity. You are in your ‘think tank room’ with all facilities for survival without any need to communicate with anybody. Only such an inwardly directed person can be a great discoverer. I think that scientists need to meditate deeply enough and grasp this foundation of inner silence, which is the basis of the creative process itself. Only by going deep into oneself will one be able to discover the ‘Unified Field Theory.’ All ancient Rishis were great scientists and have made phenomenal discoveries. According to Darwin the first evolutionary process of life started with the fish, then other life forms followed. This has been stated long ago in the Puranas, that the first avatar (incarnation) is Matsya Avatar. Our Rishis spoke a symbolic language. But up to now our scriptures have not been properly explained. The reason is that the Puranas instead of being in the hands of scientists have fallen in to the hands of ignorant and illiterate people. Also we have lost the key to decipher the code of our scriptures.
Science says that man cannot exist on this planet for more than 5000 years. The sun will cool down, its rays will diminish and it will become cold. This too was stated in the Puranas a long time ago. So what science is discovering now has already been discovered by the ancient Rishis. The basis for their discovery was the inner silence of Samadhi. All the Vedas, the science of creation and mechanics of the universe have already been discovered by the great Rishis while in Samadhi. Even now all discoveries are happening by accidentally getting into the state of Samadhi. So all scientists need to know how to consciously get into this state. They also need to refer to the works of our ancient scientists which will aid their investigations. Samadhi is the basis for all discoveries and understandings to dawn effortlessly. It is the Science of all Sciences.
- By Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakar
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